Gold Scams, Distraction Thefts Prevalent Across Alberta

Online Child Sexual Exploitation Arrests Made Across Alberta

Nearly $63K in Cocaine, Cash Seized in Fort McMurray

Airdrie Man Arrested for Firearms Straw Purchasing

Strathmore Arrest Turns Up Drugs, Guns

Loaded Handgun Seized During Medicine Hat Drug Arrest

Online Child Exploitation On the Rise
Edmonton… ALERT’s [alert-tooltip title=”The Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) Unit is under ALERT’s umbrella and investigates offences related to the exploitation of children over the Internet. Click for more info.”]Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) unit[/alert-tooltip] and the Canadian Center for Child Protection are reminding parents about the need to closely monitor their children’s internet activity in light […]
ALERT Seizes Drugs, Firearms in Calgary Raid

Calgary… More than half a million dollars’ worth of drugs and cash was seized as the result of a coordinated investigation involving ALERT [alert-tooltip title=”ALERT has organized crime teams based in seven cities across Alberta. Click for more info.”]organized crime teams[/alert-tooltip] in Calgary and Medicine Hat. ALERT seized methamphetamine, fentanyl, cocaine and other substances, alongside […]
3 Arrested, $30K in Drugs Seized in Medicine Hat

Medicine Hat… More than $30,000 worth of drugs have been seized as a result of an ALERT investigation in Medicine Hat. Three people have been arrested. The two-month investigation by ALERT’s Medicine Hat [alert-tooltip title=”ALERT has organized crime teams based in seven cities across Alberta. Click for more info.”]organized crime team[/alert-tooltip] concluded with arrests on […]
Transition, Triumph for ALERT in 2019

Edmonton… While changes were afoot, including a new CEO, Alberta Law Enforcement Response Teams still managed to achieve one of its most successful years ever in 2019. Over the calendar year, ALERT teams across the province laid 1,402 criminal charges against 241 suspects; took 92 [alert-tooltip title=”More and more, ALERT investigators are finding firearms when […]