ALERT plays a substantial and important role in the cooperative investigation and intervention of illicit drugs trafficked by organized crime in Alberta.
Estimated total street value of illegal drugs seized by ALERT teams since 2006
Estimated total street value of illegal drugs seized by ALERT teams (2023-24 financial year)
In Canada, many substances such as fentanyl and methamphetamine are federally regulated substances under Schedule I of the Controlled Drugs & Substances Act (S.C. 1996, c.19). These drugs have equivalents and by-products which are also regulated.
It's illegal to have in your possession controlled substances.
It's illegal to obtain, purchase, or acquire controlled substances.
It's illegal to make, modify or otherwise produce controlled substances.
Importing & Exporting
It's illegal to import and/or export controlled substances, or possess them this purpose.
It's illegal to sell, transport, distribute, or otherwise traffic controlled substances, or possess them for this purpose.
Any Other Things
These actions are also illegal in relation to any thing intending to be used to produce/traffic a controlled substance.
The above information provides a basic overview of crimes relating to controlled substances. It’s everyone’s responsibility to know the law. Learn more about the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.
In Alberta, organized crime groups (OCG) exist. Drug trafficking is one of the top criminal market commodities for organized crime.
In Canada, over 50% of organized crime groups operate across multiple jurisdictions.[1] Consequently, Alberta is affected by both locally-bred OCGs as well as external groups that operate in Alberta and/or have Alberta-based ties. These criminal groups affect all communities in Alberta – it’s estimated that more than 73% of OCGs are heavily involved in violence to further their means.[1]
Clandestine OCG-operated synthetic drug labs have higher fentanyl production capacities than there is demand for in Canada.[1]
The most significant Canadian methamphetamine network encompasses two thirds of all OCGs, and includes members of a High-Level Threat group.[1]
Cyber-Enabled Trafficking
Fentanyl & meth-involved OCGs exploit cyber-enabled criminal methods, such as hardened communications and the dark web.[1]
High-Level Threat Group
A High-Level Threat OCG is present in Alberta. These groups leverage strategic violence for control and economic gain.[2]
Since 2015, Canadian OCG involvement in fentanyl has increased by 1500%. In Alberta, it is the dominant OCG-related drug threat.[3]
Since 2015, OCG involvement in meth has gone up 28%.[3]
Opioids have long been trafficked and produced illegally in Alberta. Opioids are medications, which in a legal context are administered, used, and/or prescribed by licensed medical practitioners to treat sudden, severe and/or ongoing pain.[5] Commonly known opioids include heroin, oxycodone, fentanyl and others. Fentanyl is one of the most dangerous and potent drugs trafficked through the illegal market in Alberta. While fentanyl is accepted as a current ‘popular’ opioid, heroin is still found in many seizures.
Fentanyl can be mixed in other drugs (and vice versa), and consumption of even a very small amount can be deadly. Fentanyl is approximately 100 times stronger than morphine ;[4] an amount as small as a grain of sand can trigger an overdose, or worse – cause death.
More recently, extremely potent fentanyl analogues have been surfacing in ALERT investigations, demonstrating the dynamic nature of drug production and trafficking in Alberta.
3+ KG
This data is based on certified unintentional acute drug poisoning deaths only. Apparent unintentional fentanyl poisoning deaths are not included. Therefore, the totals here will not match totals in other mortality data. Learn More
- Fentanyl is 40-50x more potent than heroin
- Higher potency = higher overdose risk
- Fentanyl is often mixed in with other drugs, and it’s hard to know when this has occurred as it has no smell, color or taste. It can be present in any powder, pill, liquid or form.
- Fentanyl is often misrepresented as another drug. You may think you’re buying another drug, when in fact, you’re buying fentanyl.
- Likewise, other drugs may be misrepresented as fentanyl. You may think you’re buying fentanyl, when in fact, you’re buying carfentanil or another drug that’s even more dangerous. Learn more about fentanyl analogues below.
- To increase street sales and economic profit for organized crime groups, pure fentanyl powder may be diluted into multiple doses – many more doses than the drug would normally yield. However, there is no guarantee of the ratio (proportion) of fentanyl to buffing agent or other substances. One dose may have a high concentration of buffing agent (filler), making it tolerable for the average consumer. Another dose from the same dealer will have minimal buffing agent and a high concentration of fentanyl, causing overdose or death.
The consumption effects of fentanyl vary between individuals. There are many harmful short and long-term effects. Consuming illicit Fentanyl always involves dangerous risks, including the risk of overdose and death.
- Drug analogues are substances that share certain traits pharmacologically or in chemical structure with another substance. However, despite similarities, slight differences can make analogues substantially more dangerous.
- The nature of Alberta’s illicit opioid market is dynamic and constantly changing. Throughout ALERT investigations and drug seizures, dangerous opioid analogues have been identified as being trafficked/sold on their own, and mixed in many other substances.
- Given the dynamic nature of opioid trafficking, and that typically, substances are often simply sold as fentanyl despite being a mixture, it’s challenging to pinpoint specific substances at any given time that may be riskier than others. However, ALERT has recently seen a rise in carfentanil and fluorfentanyl being trafficked and found in other drugs. Carfentanil is a substance known to be used as a sedative for large mammals such as moose and elephants. It is approximately 100 times stronger than fentanyl.
Learn to recognize the signs of an overdose:
- Person is unresponsive
- Slow, shallow breathing
- Gurgling sounds or snoring
- Cold, clammy or bluish skin
- Severe sleepiness or loss of consciousness
What to do if you suspect an overdose:
- Call 911 immediately for emergency medical assistance
- Use naloxone, a drug that can temporarily reverse the effects of an opioid overdose
- Staying at the scene of an overdose is important to help save the life of the person experiencing an overdose. The Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act provides some legal protection for individuals who witness an overdose and call 911 or their local emergency number for help.
Report organized criminal activity. If there is a crime in progress or immediate threat to life or safety, call 911.

Project Essence
July 2021: ALERT executed 13 search warrants across Edmonton and Calgary homes, business and properties to ultimately dismantle a fentanyl superlab located in rural Alberta south of Calgary. The superlab was capable of producing up to 10 million street-level doses per week. ALERT seized over $300 million of drugs and precursors.

Project Coyote
November 2019: An international investigation involving ALERT and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency intercepted record amounts of cocaine and fentanyl. Seizures includes $15 million in drugs, $4.5 million in cash and assets, and 13 firearms. Houses were restrained, and ecstasy pills along with psilocybin mushrooms were also seized.

Project Arbour
February 2018: ALERT dismantled an organized crime group operating out of Calgary through a year-long investigation. ALERT also located and dismantled a clandestine lab operating in Calgary. Fentanyl, methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin and cannabis products were seized along with vehicles, firearms, and drug manufacturing equipment.
250+ Organized Crime Groups
Methamphetamine (commonly known as Meth) is an illicit stimulant with psychoactive effects. This synthetic drug is available in many forms such as powder, tablets, crystals and chunks.[7]
When consumed, its euphoric highs come paired with harmful psychological and physical effects in both the short and long run.
The ingredients, proportions and methods used by people who make Methamphetamine varies. Therefore, it’s hard to know what’s in a given dose, and some doses may have fentanyl in them.
Producing Methamphetamine involves the mixing, heating, evaporating and other processing of highly flammable and explosive chemicals. The risk of a clandestine laboratory fire and/or explosions is dangerous for neighbors, communities, children and animals. [8]
38+ KG
71+ KG
52+ KG
11+ KG
- Producing Methamphetamine involves the mixing, heating, evaporating and other processing of highly flammable and explosive chemicals. The risk of a clandestine laboratory fire and/or explosions is dangerous for neighbors, communities, children, and animals. Methamphetamine production uses ingredients of many common products, such as nail polish remover, paint thinner, roadkill dissolver, brake fluid and batteries.
- Although Methamphetamine can be produced in large-scale contexts, moth meth is made in small labs secretly comparted within homes, apartments, motel rooms, RV’s, house trailers, campgrounds, and even private businesses.
- Even after dynamic and responsive law enforcement teams such as ALERT dismantle a Methamphetamine lab, the property may still remain hazardous due to contamination.
- Sometimes, raw ingredients may not be, in of themselves, harmful when untouched. However, the multiple processes during Meth production that manipulate, change or mix these substances creates new chemicals that are extremely toxic, corrosive, or lethal.
The consumption effects of Methamphetamine vary between individuals. There are many harmful short and long-term effects. Consuming illicit Methamphetamine always involves dangerous risks, including the risk of overdose and death.
Learn to recognize the signs of a clandestine lab.
From outside:
- Blacked out or covered up windows
- Excessive garbage including chemical containers such as antifreeze, batteries, drain cleaner.
- Unusual strong odors such as cat urine, ammonia, acetone, or other chemical/solvent smells.
- Hoses hanging/protruding from windows; open windows vented with fans during the winter.
- Extensive security measures
- Secretive/paranoid occupants
- Visitors at odd hours
From inside:
- Ammonia
- Dismantled/removed smoke detectors
- Empty pill bottles, cans of alcohol, paint thinner
- Funnels
- Lab equipment – glass tubes, Bunsen burners, beakers, large plastic containers
- Large amounts of cat litter
- Multiple stoves, hot plates, blow torches
- Red stained coffee filters
Report clandestine labs to Crimestoppers or your local non-emergency line. If you believe immediate threat to life or safety, call 911.
Check back soon for additional ALERT drug resources.

Operation Cadbury
May 2021: ALERT's Calgary organized crime and gangs team concluded a short-term investigation with a record drug haul. ALERT seized enough methamphetamine, fentanyl, cocaine, and GHB to equal an estimated 100,000 doses. In total, ALERT seized roughly $3 million worth of drugs and cash.

Operation Ethanol
January 2021: Nearly 14 kilograms of methamphetamine were seized from an Edmonton home. The drugs have an estimated street value of $1.35 million. While dismantling this distribution point, cocaine, MDMA, suspected fentanyl, cannabis resin, psilocybin mushrooms, oxycontin and cash were also seized.

Project Offshore
November 2017: A year-long investigation into a Calgary-based drug trafficking network has led to one of Alberta’s largest drug seizures. More than $4 million worth of fentanyl, cocaine, and methamphetamine was seized by ALERT, in addition to the restraining of a north Calgary mansion.
Buffing Agents
$313,182 seized in 2021-22 financial year. Buffing agents are used to dilute drugs in order to increase quantity and, in return, profits for dealers.
$2,946,701 seized in 2021-22 financial year. Cocaine is a widely known street drug derived from coca leaves and most often appears as white powder.
$290,880 seized in 2021-22 financial year. GHB is a depressant typically used as a club drug and also known as one substance used as a "date-rape" drug.
Carfentanil is a powerful opioid that is even more potent than fentanyl. In 2019, ALERT seized $116,000 of carfentanyl in Lethbridge.
Ketamine is a powerful fast-acting anesthetic primarily used in animal medicine. Illicitly, it is used as a dissociative (mind-altering effect).
MDMA is a stimulant that increases various chemicals in the brain. It is most often known as a "club drug" that people use when partying.
Despite cannabis being legal, it still holds a place in the drug trafficking market for organized crime. $27,890 worth was seized in the 2021-22 financial year.
Psilocybin is a hallucinogenic drug contained in certain types of mushrooms, often referred to as "magic mushrooms."
LSD is a strong hallucinogen, warping one's sense of reality and altering sensory perception. It also substantially affects one's judgement.
Unregulated chemicals
[1] – Criminal Intelligence Service Canada, 2020 Public Report on Organized Crime in Canada.
[2] – Criminal Intelligence Service Canada, 2021 Public Report on Organized Crime in Canada.
[4] – Fentanyl – Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and the CAMH Foundation
[5] – Fentanyl FAQ – MyHealth Alberta
[6] – Fentanyl – Health Canada
[7] – Methamphetamine – Centre for Addition and Mental Health and the CAMH Foundation
[8] – What Is Meth Made of? How to Recognize a Meth Lab and Ingredients – Recovery Village
[9] Non-Pharmaceutical Opioid Overdose Deaths @ 99% Fentanyl-Involved – Alberta Health Services Health Analytics: Alberta Substance Use Surveillance System (certified unintentional acute drug poisoning deaths; apparent unintentional fentanyl-related poisoning deaths not included) *Data subject to change as medical examinations are concluded and AHS data is updated.