Help us keep kids in Alberta safe
ALERT plays a substantial and important role in the cooperative investigation and intervention of internet child exploitation performed by and affecting Albertans. ALERT’s ICE (Internet Child Exploitation) units are among the most robust and sophisticated police units in the province.
ALERT’s ICE teams investigate a range of criminal offences involving child pornography, any computer-related child sexual abuse, child luring over the internet, voyeurism involving underage victims, and child sex trade/tourism. ICE teams also investigate sextortion involving minors.
Reporting a concern
It’s our responsibility as a society to protect children and keep them safe.
If a child or youth tells you they are being neglected, abused or sexually exploited:
- stay calm and react without shock, disbelief, anger, judgement or fear
- let the child tell you what happened in their own words
- listen carefully without asking questions
- reassure them that it is not their fault
- acknowledge how they are feeling (scared, angry, embarrassed, hurt, sad)
The Government of Alberta has more information about how you can help, as well as the steps necessary to report child abuse, neglect and child exploitation.
Additionally, the Canadian Centre for Child Protection offers numerous resources on their website, including a free booklet with information adults need to know about child sexual abuse, the disclosure process and key prevention tips.
If you believe a child is at risk, you must report it.
To report a concern, call the Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-387-5437 (KIDS).
If you or the person you are reporting is in immediate danger, call 911.
In Alberta, concerns for the safety and wellbeing of a child can be reported to Child Intervention Services at 1-800-638-0715.
Child exploitation concerns can also be reported anonymously through Crime Stoppers online or by calling at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS).
Need Help NOW?
The Canadian Centre for Child Protection operates to assist with any internet-based sex crimes involving children. They also facilitate reporting at
If there is an immediate threat to life or crime in progress, call 911.
(April 2018 – April 2023)
Child Sexual Abuse Material photos/videos processed during the course of ALERT investigations since April 2018
Remember the man in the big white van? These days, stranger danger is online. The man (or woman) is navigating the same online platforms kids are on – the big white van is their phone, computer or gaming device. Regardless of the tactics used to interact and lure online, the individuals targeting youth are criminals. Remember – it’s never the child’s fault for being sexually exploited online.
FLAGS for kids & teens
Receive a new follower, friend, or chat request? It might not be who it looks like. Always be cautious about who you accept into your social media, gaming and chatting circle. Even if it looks like someone you know, criminal offenders can gather enough information to impersonate your friends and friends-of-friends.
If the person you are interacting with sends you nude pictures, videos or sexual content, this is a warning sign. Criminal offenders will use this tactic to incentivize you to send nude or sexual content back to them in return.
Criminal offenders may attempt to move interactions to other platforms. For instance, you could be playing a video game, or receive a new friend/follower. After interaction begins, the offender might try to get you to switch platforms to keep talking with them.
During the impersonated conversation taking place, the offender may flatter or compliment you; make you feel good. They may also make promises or offer you gifts/rewards in exchange for sexual content. ALERT has seen offenders promising video game characters/upgrades in exchange for sexual content.
FLAGS for Parents & caregivers
Have you noticed sudden behaviour changes in your child? Open the table for discussion and check in with them to make sure they are staying safe online.
Has your child taken a sudden or unusual interest in privacy, such as staying in their room more often, hiding their device screens or spending more time privately on their phone, computer or gaming device?
Does your child have new friends online, in person or new devices? This is another flag to watch out for.
Has your child started dressing differently? This can happen when they are interacting with criminals online who seek to sexually extort them either via the internet or when using the internet as means for in person interaction.
Resources for Parents & Adults
Cybertip is Canada's national tipline for internet child exploitation, operated by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection. Report concerns and ICE events here and learn more about current issues and statistics.
Protect Kids Online
Operated by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection, this site helps parents keep up on the digital world their kids are navigating, such as interests, risks, and emerging issues. Parents can filter information based on relevant age.
Public Safety Canada
Public Safety Canada has numerous resources for parents to help understand issues by age. Infographics, videos, definitions, and more.
Thorn for Parents
Thorn has a dedicated website for parents that provides discussion guides, explores current issues, and teaches parents about the digital life that kids are involved in.
Resources for Teens & Children
Kids Help Phone
Kids Help Phone is Canada's 24/7 e-mental health support line for kids and teens of any age. They offer many ways to connect including live chat, text, messenger, and through a traditional phone call.
Need Help Now
Operated by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection, Need Help Now offers teens with support and resources in situations where sexual content has been redistributed/shared by other teens or without consent.
Public Safety Canada
Public Safety Canada has numerous resources for youth to help understand issues and online dangers they may face. Infographics, videos, definitions, and more.
Cybertip is Canada's national tipline for internet child exploitation, operated by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection. Report concerns and ICE events here and learn more about current issues and statistics.
3,815 Case Intakes in 2023-24
Online luring is when a person, typically adult (although not always) communicates with someone under 18 through any form of online technology in order to facilitate the commission of a sexual offence.[1]
Children in Alberta are at risk of online luring on any online platform that facilitates communication or interaction. This is especially true of platforms that allow for anonymity or allow for criminals to create fake/impersonated accounts.
Some online platforms may be widely known to parents, such as Instagram or Facebook. Other platforms may be known, but less familiar, such as Snapchat or Discord. Some of the most dangerous platforms are those which parents and caregivers aren’t familiar with in any way. The dangers of these platforms are usually unknown to children and teens when they are interacting on them. Such platforms include (but aren’t limited to) Telegram, Kick, Wickr, and other private P2P (peer-to-peer) chatrooms.
Resources for Parents & Adults
Cybertip is Canada's national tipline for internet child exploitation, operated by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection. Report concerns and ICE events here and learn more about current issues and statistics.
Protect Kids Online
Operated by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection, this site helps parents keep up on the digital world their kids are navigating, such as interests, risks, and emerging issues. Parents can filter information based on relevant age.
Public Safety Canada
Public Safety Canada has numerous resources for parents to help understand issues by age. Infographics, videos, definitions, and more.
Thorn for Parents
Thorn has a dedicated website for parents that provides discussion guides, explores current issues, and teaches parents about the digital life that kids are involved in.
Resources for Teens & Children
Kids Help Phone
Kids Help Phone is Canada's 24/7 e-mental health support line for kids and teens of any age. They offer many ways to connect including live chat, text, messenger, and through a traditional phone call.
Need Help Now
Operated by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection, Need Help Now offers teens with support and resources in situations where sexual content has been redistributed/shared by other teens or without consent.
Public Safety Canada
Public Safety Canada has numerous resources for youth to help understand issues and online dangers they may face. Infographics, videos, definitions, and more.
Cybertip is Canada's national tipline for internet child exploitation, operated by the Canadian Centre for Child Protection. Report concerns and ICE events here and learn more about current issues and statistics.
July 27 2022
Edmonton… At least six victims of child luring and sexual assault have been identified following an ALERT Internet Child Exploitation...

48% luring reports involved victims 14-17 years old, the most common age for victimization.[1]
45% luring incidents happened on Snapchat or Meta platforms (Facebook, Messenger, Instagram).[1]
12% luring incidents happened on Discord, a commonly-used chat room platform.[1]

There are so many different apps, games, and social media platforms available to children and teens that it may seem confusing to stay on top of each one. Luckily, below are resources that allow you to learn about the different platforms and issues in a focused manner which can be tailored to your child’s age or the platforms they use. Some platforms such as Meta, Snapchat, and TikTok also have their own dedicated safety centres.
[1] – Canadian Centre for Child Protection.
[2] – Thorn for Parents
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