Butt Out, Creeps >
In 2022, Alberta had nearly
child exploitation
cases reported
Before they turn 18,
1 in 10
kids are sexually
In 2022, Alberta had nearly
child exploitation
cases reported
Before they turn 18,
1 in 10
kids are sexually
It happens on all the apps.
Predators are everywhere.
It doesn’t matter which apps you’re using online, predators lurk on them all. It’s best to be heads-up about luring and exploitation. You can always report inappropriate behaviour right on the app first.
Save the receipts.
Don’t trash the convo.
If you’re targeted and someone asks for pics or says something inappropriate, screenshot the convo and reach out to a trusted adult. You can tell your parents or a teacher you feel safe with.
If you overshared, don’t panic.
Help is here.
You won’t get in trouble and there are ways to remove pics from the internet. First, stop talking to the person online, next you could report any threats or inappropriate behaviour through the app. And definitely tell someone who can help, like your parents or the police.
Get the word out.
Protect your friends.
Share this page with friends and classmates to help them learn to be safe online. You can have open conversations about sharing private info and pics online, and talk about the rising rate of exploitation online. Did you know 25% of kids aged 9 to 18 who have phones will be sexually solicited online? Don’t worry about getting in trouble, help is waiting for you.